Welcome to the U.S. District Court - District of Colorado for the District of Colorado

District of Colorado - Document Filing System

The United States District Court, District of Colorado, welcomes you to CM/ECF.

The Court allows the electronic filing of documents in all cases. Users may contact the Court, toll free, at 1-866-365-6381 or 303-844-3433, or via email to cod_cmecf@cod.uscourts.gov. Assistance is available Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Mountain Time.


This system will be unavailable from 7:00AM to approximately 7:00PM on Saturday, October 26, 2024, to perform scheduled maintenance.

Users filing documents with the United States District Court should review the privacy requirements in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2 and Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 49.1. The clerk is not required to review documents filed with the Court for compliance with these rules. It is the responsibility of the party filing the documents to comply with the redaction and privacy requirements in the rules.


Court Information